In December of 2019, a mysterious individual going by the name Jack Falcone began emailing the members of the Massasoit Gun Club. Immediately this sparked a strong reaction. At the next monthly meeting of the club, the room was packed, standing room only. The members began demanding answers from the Executive Committee about the new building. In response, the Executive Committee, desperate to silence Jack Falcone, threatened a lawsuit against him and even called the police. Why was the Executive Committee so desperate to prevent Jack Falcone from speaking the truth? Read his emails below and decide for yourself:
Click here for the 12-23-19 Jack Falcone Email
Click here for the 1-2-20 Jack Falcone Email
Click here for the 1-12-20 Jack Falcone Email
Click here for the 2-1-20 Jack Falcone Email
Click here for the 2-29-20 Jack Falcone Email